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Congratulations to Stephanie Lumpkin for receiving a 2-year NIH F32 award for her grant application entitled, ” Exploring the utilization of post-discharge care in colorectal surgery patients” in the amount of $144,142.


Stephanie Lumpkin, MD, PGY-4, was successfully awarded a postdoctoral research fellowship, or F32, through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. As the primary investigator on this highly competitive federal grant, Dr. Lumpkin will complete her mixed methods research proposal, “Exploring the utilization of post-discharge care in colorectal surgery patients.” Her primary mentor, Dr. Stitzenberg, Associate Professor, Division of Surgical Oncology, will help Dr. Lumpkin execute this research successfully and gain the necessary skills to become an independent surgeon-scientist. Dr. Lumpkin’s multidisciplinary team for this proposal includes her co-sponsor, Dr. Timothy Carey, Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Former Chair of the Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research; Dr. Jason Fine, Professor, Department of Biostatistics; Paul Mihas, Qualitative Research expert at the Odum Institute; and Paula Strassle (Database Manager in the Department of Surgery).

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)-sponsored Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (F32) is to support promising applicants during their mentored postdoctoral training under the guidance of outstanding faculty sponsors. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s mission is to produce evidence to make health care safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable and affordable, and to work within HHS and with other partners to make sure that the evidence the postdoctoral research fellow finds is understood and used.

We are very excited for Dr. Lumpkin and are proud to announce that this is the first NIH F32 award the department has received in its history.