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Each year the AMA’s Women Physicians Section honors outstanding doctors who are recognized for having offered their time, wisdom and support to advance women with careers in medicine. Dr. Joanne Jordan was selected as a recipient of the 2017 “Inspirational Physician” Award, which serves as a platform to showcase the accomplishments of women physicians, and highlights advocacy needs related to professional concerns of women physicians and health issues affecting women patients.


“Dr. Jordan has been an invaluable mentor to trainees at many levels, including medical students, fellows, graduate students, and junior faculty in a variety of health-related fields,” said Dr. Amanda Nelson, who nominated Dr. Jordan. “She is an ideal role model for women physicians, and could not be more deserving of this award.”

Dr. Jordan is the Joseph P. Archie, Jr. Eminent Professor of Medicine at UNC, as well as Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development, and an adjunct professor of epidemiology.