Our Services
Evaluation can take even the most successful projects to a new level. Holistic evaluation adds value throughout the project life cycle to help prioritize activities and plans, direct improvements, and share successes.
Evaluation is helpful for projects big and small. We can support valuable evaluation insights no matter the size of the project.
Our services are organized into four broad categories to allow for thoughtful and custom evaluation design for each partner. For inquiries or to learn more, contact us here.
Service Categories
We provide expertise in process, outcome and impact evaluation as well as continuous quality improvement. We guide our partners in identifying programmatic or project goals and developing evaluation activities to support them. This service level may include, but is not limited to, the following activities:
- Consult on and/or develop evaluation design and research methods.
- Lead evaluation team in evaluating project’s key performance indicators and/or
performance measures. - Interpret and effectively communicate evaluation results with clear, actionable
recommendations. - Engage and collaborate with evaluation collaborators, project leads and partners.
We support necessary functions involved in conceptualizing, developing, implementing, and iteratively improving the evaluation plan and related processes. We also support teams in delivering the activities of the program or project. This service level may include, but is not limited to, the following activities:
- Develop prompts and/or guides for focus groups, key informant interviews,
community engagement activities and other qualitative data collection efforts. - Conduct content analysis of program resources in support of process evaluation.
- Facilitate focus groups and/or key informant interviews.
- Develop and administer surveys (quantitative and/or qualitative).
- Develop summary reports of evaluation activities and/or findings.
We specialize in working with complex datasets and/or addressing complex data needs. This service level may include, but is not limited to, the following activities:
- Design detailed data collection systems.
- Compile results to meet the principal study needs (e.g., descriptive statistics, models
and effect tables). - Implement systems modeling and change analysis.
- Provide geospatial analysis and visualization.
- Analyze density, centrality and connections across a network.
- Apply statistical expertise and rigorous analysis methods.
We support necessary functions involved in conceptualizing, developing, implementing and iteratively improving the data collection, management, analysis and visualization processes. This service level may include, but is not limited to, the following activities:
- Co-create data collection system and tools (design, programming, testing, quality
control, data dictionary management, data export testing). - Conduct exploratory data analysis and lead data reviews.
- Code, memo and synthesize qualitative data.
- Provide engaging data visualization of analysis and/or evaluation results.
- Test and improve the existing instruments with multiple iterations and trial use of all
functions from import to reporting.