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COVID-19 in Older Adults: Biese Publishes Key Points for Providers

March 26, 2020
Kevin Biese, MD, MAT, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Geriatric Medicine, with co-authors, has published key information on the role of the ED in diagnosis and acute management of COVID-19 in older adults.

Deprescribing in Older Adults: An Interview with Josh Niznik, PharmD, PhD

February 13, 2020
"More than half of older adults are exposed to polypharmacy and the unfortunate thing is that those people are more susceptible to the side effects and they’re more vulnerable to drug-drug interactions. It’s important for physicians, patients, and caregivers to realistically discuss the benefits a medication can and can’t provide,...

WRAL interviews Bryan Godfrey on Benefits of Seeing a Geriatrician

January 28, 2020
UNC Geriatrics Specialty Clinic's Social Worker Bryan Godfrey speaks with WRAL's Liisa Ogburn on why older adults seek primary care providers with geriatrics expertise. "Our providers are physicians with certifications in internal or family medicine, but they also have specialized training in geriatrics. This means they are especially attuned to...

Lowering Overmedication in Nursing Home Patients with Severe Dementia

January 13, 2020
A recent study from Assistant Professor Joshua Niznik, PhD, PharmD, Division of Geriatric Medicine, in the Journal of American Geriatrics Society suggests de-prescribing Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors (AChEls) as a reasonable approach to lowering polypharmacy and risk of serious falls or fractures without increasing risk for all-cause negative events in nursing home...

Dr. Meredith Gilliam and Falls Prevention on WRAL

November 18, 2019
Meredith Gilliam, MD, MPH, was recently interviewed on WRAL about falls prevention for older adults. According to NC’s Division of Public Health, one quarter of North Carolinians 65 and over will fall in a year. Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries in adults 65+, causing 1,094...

Dementia Friendly Training Featured in Modern Healthcare

November 6, 2019
Dementia patients “often forget where they are and that they are not in their home,” says Maureen Dale, MD, in Modern Health Care. “When clinicians are coming in and out of their room to do their job, it can be alarming.” Busby-Whitehead emphasizes that after the training, many staff members...

Geriatric Medicine Celebrates Three-Year Anniversary in Hillsborough

October 22, 2019
The opening of UNC Hospital’s Hillsborough Campus in 2015 provided a unique opportunity for medicine services to expand. Ron Falk, MD, chair of the department of medicine, envisioned a service that could be accessible and comfortable to the geriatric population, combining specialized geriatric care with all of the amenities at...

Dementia Friendly Hospitals Day Recognizes Staff and Champions

October 3, 2019
(Republished from the UNC Health Care and UNC School of Medicine Newsroom) Governor Cooper proclaimed Sept. 26, 2019, as ‘Dementia Friendly Hospitals Day’ in North Carolina. UNC Health Care marked this occasion by celebrating the expansion of its special training program aimed at providing better care for patients with Alzheimer’s...

Dale Recognizes Dementia Friendly Hospitals Day on WCHL

October 1, 2019
Maureen Dale, MD, was interviewed on WCHL radio, discussing UNC’s Dementia Friendly Hospitals Initiative and Governor Roy Cooper’s “Dementia Friendly Hospitals Day” proclamation, recognized Thursday, September 26 as the first year of dementia-friendly training at the Hillsborough campus.

Greganti Retires After Distinguished Career

September 6, 2019
Andrew Greganti, MD, the Charles Addison and Elizabeth Ann Sanders Distinguished Professor, and vice chair of the department of medicine has retired following more than 40 years of distinguished service as faculty at the UNC School of Medicine. Read more