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Early Development Project-2

Title: Efficacy of a Parent-Mediated Intervention for One-Year-Olds at-Risk for Autism (Early Development Project-2) Purpose: To assess the efficacy of an early intervention program called Adaptive Responsive Teaching in improving developmental outcomes and ameliorating symptom severity among one-year-olds at-risk for autism spectrum disorders (i.e., “autism”). Setting: The resea … Read more

Behavioral Inflexibility in IDD: Outcome Measurement

This RO1 application requests funds to develop and validate a novel outcome measure targeting the behavioral inflexibility in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). This behavioral domain encompasses a host of closely related clinical sequelae that can be profoundly disabling and are common in IDD such as (a) an overall inflexible temperament or behavior … Read more

Attention in Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): An Eye-Tracking Approach to Gender-Specific Circumscribed Interests

ASD is a male-dominant condition however research indicates that girls may have different phenotypic-profiles particularly in the domain of Circumscribed Interests (CI) – intense and often idiosyncratic interest held by children and adults with ASD. CI are reported in 80% of individuals with ASD, and while can represent islands of ability, limit learning and social opportunities. … Read more

The importance of anterior center of mass velocity during gait on energy cost following stroke

Energy efficiency is a hallmark of healthy human walking, but can become impaired when the legs do not provide symmetric push-off. Our recent analysis of gait following stroke has identified a consistent mechanical asymmetry between the limbs, which is analogous to driving a car by alternatively slamming on the gas, then the brake with each step. Like poor gas mileage in a car, w … Read more

Validity of three slep tracking devices to determine sleep duration and detect sleep stages: an evaluation against Type I attended (in-laboratory) polysomnography

The public health significance of sleep disorders is substantial, accounting for hundreds of billions of dollars each year in direct medical costs. Sleep disorders increase risk of neurocognitive and cardiovascular morbidity and premature death. They also impair daily performance, increase pain sensitivity and decrease quality of life. Much of this disease burden could be averted … Read more