Benjamin Cobb, MD
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
Assistant Residency Program Director
To our 2024-2025 Applicants:
We utilize the Residency Central Application (https://centralapp.accessgme.com) as a supplement to ERAS. The CentralApp was started as a free alternative to ERAS in plastic surgery 4 years ago and it is now used specialty wide. We were among the first program to trial this platform in anesthesiology, in the hope that in future years we can remove the financial barriers created by progressive application fee structures. As you will see from the questions, CentralApp also promotes holistic application review by focusing on quality application content rather than quantity.
Upon accessing the platform (https://centralapp.accessgme.com), you will be instructed to create a secure account and will be able to request letters of recommendation, transcripts, and MSPE (Dean’s Letters) directly through the portal. The Match will remain with National Residency Matching Program (NRMP). Please direct any questions about the Central application to HELP@accessgme.com
The UNC Anesthesiology Residency program offers positions to two types of candidates:
All residency spots will be offered and filled through the National Residency Matching Program. If accepted for a position at the PGY-1 level (Categorical), the individual will participate in a broad-based clinical program of education during the first year of training at UNC, followed by three years of anesthesia-specific training. For a sample curriculum, see here. Candidates accepted at the PGY-2 level are expected to have completed an acceptable clinical intern year prior to initiating the PGY-2 year, typically in surgery or medicine.
Office of Graduate Medical EducationThe interview day will consist of an introduction by one of our Residency Program Directors, followed by interviews with faculty and a resident. The informational materials and an interview agenda will be sent out ahead of time. In addition to residents, our interview team is composed of faculty who represent a diverse set of specialties and training backgrounds. Here are some of the faculty you may meet:
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
Assistant Residency Program Director
Professor of Anesthesiology
Vice Chair of Education
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
Edward A. Norfleet, MD ’70 Distinguished Professor of Anesthesiology
Residency Program Director
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
Professor of Anesthesiology
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
Division Chief, Ambulatory Anesthesiology
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
Assistant Residency Program Director
Professor and Chair of Anesthesiology
Professor of Anesthesiology
Associate Residency Program Director
Residency Recruitment Chair