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AOE Dynamic Work Group: Awards Committee

September 13, 2011

Solicit nominations and choose AOE Award Winners

Members Present: Steve Chaney, Tim Farrell

Refined Goals of the Work Group:

  1. Consider naming awards for people
  2. Possibly budget of $1000 per award
  3. Freshman faculty star(teaching award), nomination by course director
  4. Nominate for university-wide awards
  5. Awards for graduate medical education(one on-campus, one off)—non-program directors, ask program directors & chairs for recommendations & residents; schedule nominations & awards so don’t overlap alumni awards & AOE awards
  6. Award for educational scholarship
  7. Ask for SOM formatted CV from department

Action Items with Dates and Responsible Individuals:

  • Need to identify co-chair of committee-chair select (consider basic scientist for balance)

Plan for Next Meeting:

Schedule fall meeting to plan

  1. Call for nominations
  2. New awards
  3. Changes in application process