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The UNC Bell Tower on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill October 6, 2016.Please review the tabs to the left to learn more about faculty/director and resident/fellow/post-doc membership.

Founded on enhancing research and scholarship toward excellence in teaching, we seek faculty, directors, and trainees, from main campus and regional North Carolina campuses, who are committed to medical and biomedical education. To accomplish these goals, we strive for the creation and design of new curricular materials and scholarly research (within medical and biomedical education) and the willingness to implement new methodology and technology.

Acceptance to the Academy brings expectations of continued leadership in educational initiatives, and active participation in the goals of the Academy (minimum of four events for all types of membership). Should a member be unable to meet these requirements, their membership will be considered suspended until the member is able to complete the required number of events per year (June 1 – May 31). Additional requirements for membership will be determined by the council and voted on by membership.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the AOE just for medical faculty?
    No. We welcome applicants from biomedical education, too! The AOE was originally created with a medical education focus. As we move forward, we work to create a more inclusive and relevant environment for basic science faculty, directors, and trainees. If you have questions or feedback, please reach out to us at
  • Is AOE Membership only open to those located in Chapel Hill?
    No. AHEC regional campus faculty/trainees are encouraged to apply.
  • My membership was suspended due to insufficient event attendance. Do I need to reapply?
    No. Refer back to the email sent notifying you that your membership was suspended for instructions on how to reactivate membership. If you have searched your inbox and cannot find this message, contact for assistance.
  • Is there a requirement for applicants to wait two years before applying to the AOE?
    No. We no longer require applicants to wait two years after their start at UNC to apply. This was a by-law amendment approved in the February 2020 elections.
  • Does membership expire after a certain point which would require me to reapply?
    No. As long as a member reaches the requirement of four events per year (June 1 – May 31), they remain an active member of the AOE. Those who do not meet the event requirement are suspended until four events are attended within the AOE calendar year (June 1 – May 31).
  • What happened to the Mentored Membership path?
    As part of a by-law amendment approved in the February 2020 elections, the AOE now offers only two paths to membership: faculty and resident/fellow. The Mentored Member program has since evolved into the AOE FLAGship (Faculty and Fellow Leadership Growth) Program for which recruitment opens in the summer annually. Reach out to with any questions.

The Academy of Educators selects new members annually.  Please review the two types of membership to see which criteria you meet before applying.