Improving Educational Scholarship in Our Setting
As a preview to the conversation we refered to the following reference:
Educational Scholarship: How Do We Define and Acknowledge It?
By Deborah Simpson, Ph.D., and M. Brownell Anderson, M.Ed.,
Ideas generated for improving the support of scholarship in AOE included the following:
- AOE could make research support services known. For example, we could display resources on our webpage or share information for helpful supports such as the Odom Institute, TRACS, etc. People could add to the list based on their successful experiences.
- We could better utilize the resources within the group – mentoring by AOE members who have been successful in scholarship, idea groups for projects
- We could support publication in MedEdPORTAL
- We could better use the information we already have from the students – such as personal illness narratives, health care finance projects, etc. We have lots of potential material for scholarship easily available.
- We should consider ideas such as writing books, like that from Social Medicine
- AOE could provide a panel of resource people
- AOE could continue the Mini Grants which help a lot. There could be more flexibility in the size of the grants to help some projects that need a bigger budget.
- AOE could support a peer review process for scholarship
- Publications on MedEdPORTAL could be used for promotion
- Use the AOE to network for scholarship across departments