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It’s not enough to be against racism – we need people to be actively anti-racist. Don’t be a bystander in the fight to dismantle white supremacy. We deserve to live in world where every person is treated like a human being. Here are some ways to move towards anti-racism:

Look in the mirror. Look at yourself and your communities. Consider how people of color are treated – on the sidewalks, when socializing, in classes. Racism manifests itself in a variety of ways, some obvious, but more often subtler. Identify – to then dismantle – the ways behaviors uphold and perpetuate white supremacy.

Listen, learn, and empathize. Become a student of racism historically and today. You can attend webinars and workshops, read works written by BIPOC, watch documentaries that highlight social issues, listen to podcasts – whatever learning style works for you. You can start with this robust compilation of Anti-Racism Resources from the Office for Diversity and Inclusion.

Make the commitment. Be a person of action. Plan how you’ll respond when issues of discrimination arise, and then follow through. Consider how to amplify and elevate diverse voices in your community and into leadership opportunities. Become an influencer in big ways and small to help create a new normal and inspire those in our circles to become anti-racist.

Access campus resources and Read more here.

News courtesy of UNC CAPS, UNC Healthy Heels.