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We would like to share an update regarding the chair search process. The UNC School of Medicine leadership has invited 4 finalists to come for an on-campus/in-person visit in January and February.

See event details:

Chair candidate finalist visits

Chair candidate Finalist 1 Jan. 26, 27
Chair candidate Finalist 2 Jan. 31, Feb. 1
Chair candidate Finalist 3 Feb. 7, 8
Chair candidate Finalist 4 Feb. 9, 10

Crystal Walker will circulate the candidates’ updated schedules, CVs, and itineraries the week of January 17th.

Postdoc meetings

Postdoc meetings are now taking place in the morning on the second day of the candidates’ visits (updated on 1/12 by Crystal Walker). Postdocs please contact Rhonda Strickland for a zoom invite.

If you are not on our email listserv and want to be informed on how to participate in this process, please contact Carolyn Clabo and Crystal Walker.