8 years ago
We rank 8th nationally in NIH funding for 2016
The Department continues to rank highly for NIH funding among all Biochemistry departments in the US. In 2016, the Department secured 14.96 million in federal funding and ranks 8th.
8 years ago
The Department continues to rank highly for NIH funding among all Biochemistry departments in the US. In 2016, the Department secured 14.96 million in federal funding and ranks 8th.
8 years ago
Congratulations to Gary Pielak, joint faculty of Biochemistry and Biophysics, and distinguished professor of Chemistry who received a UNC Lifetime Mentor Award!
12 years ago
Congratulations to Mahmoud Shobair, a graduate student of Biochemistry & Biophysics, for receiving the 2016 Dissertation Completion Award.