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The widely-celebrated “campus-wide HIV/AIDS Course” at UNC offers undergraduate, graduate, continuing studies, and professional student participants a multi-disciplinary perspective on HIV/AIDS — its etiology, immunology, epidemiology and impact on individuals and society. The various mediums through which the HIV/AIDS course is offered has afforded the opportunity to educate a larger number of individuals about the basis of HIV transmission, risk factors, safety, and Global Statistics.

Seeing 450 students each year, the filled-to-capacity course enjoys support from the UNC Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), the UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (HPDP), and from the Deans of all Five Health Affairs Schools at UNC. The reach of the AIDS Course continues to expand through media websites such as iTunes University, Vimeo, and YouTube, and is extended as distance learning tools to community organizations, agencies, and historically Black colleges and universities. The UNC HIV/AIDS Course has been listed in iTunes University’s “Top Downloads” and the “Top Collections”.

Course Description

This course offers participants a multidisciplinary perspective on HIV/AIDS — its etiology, immunology, epidemiology and impact on individuals and society. How HIV/AIDS is framed by a society determines not only how affected persons are treated but also the degree to which the rights of the individual are upheld.


To understand the complexity and multi-dimensionality of the evolving phenomenon known as HIV/AIDS as a paradigm for the relationship between disease, society and public policy.

Course Objectives

1. Comprehend HIV/AIDS by describing its etiology, epidemiology, prevention, clinical manifestations and treatments.

2. Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of HIV/AIDS and of how society has framed this disease, its historical background, and the social, legal, political and ethical issues associated with it.

3. Have an awareness of the social and psychological implications of HIV/AIDS for people living with HIV and their families, communities and support systems.

4. Understand the implications of epidemic HIV/AIDS for society, by describing infection control measures, groups at greatest risk, contact tracing, education, economics, community resources, the stress of care-giving and the prospects for the future.

For questions about the course, please contact the CFAR CODE Office.


2015 HIV/AIDS Course Classes

Class 1: Virus & the Immune System
 Joe Eron, MD  |  January 7, 2015

Class 2: Emerging Therapies & HIV Cure
Ronald Swanstrom, PhD & David Margolis, MD  |  January 28 , 2015

Class 3: Manifestations of HIV Disease and Its Treatment
Joe Eron, MD  |  February 4 , 2015

Class 4: Adolescents at Risk
Peter Leone, MD & Lisa Hightow-Weidman, MD  |  February 18, 2015

Class 5: Women, Gender Issues, & HIV
Wendee Wechsberg, PhD  |  March 4, 2015

Class 6: AIDS and Mental Health
Glenn Treisman, MD  |  March 18, 2015

Class 7: HIV/AIDS in the African American Community
Niasha Brown, MA  |  March 25, 2015

Class 8: International AIDS, Prevention Strategies
Myron Cohen, MD  |  April 1, 2015

Class 9: HIV in the Prison Setting
David Wohl, MD  |  April 8, 2015

Class 10: Infectious Diseases: Ebola & HIV
William A. Fischer, MD  |  April 14, 2015