Dr. Tiffany Breger attended the 27th Annual CFAR Meeting as an Early-Stage Investigator scholarship recipient at which she presented her research on statin uptake among participants in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study and Women’s Interagency HIV Study.
Among nearly 1700 men and women indicated for statin treatment between 2014 and 2018 (based on 2013 ACC/AHA guidelines), Dr. Breger found that only 20% initiated statins within two years. Results revealed striking racial disparities in the incidence of statin initiation; the two-year incidence of statin uptake was 8 percentage points lower among Black versus non-Black men with an indication for treatment. Moreover, the research highlighted significant differences in statin initiation by clinical and behavioral risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Better understanding and addressing barriers to timely statin initiation will be critical to reduce the growing burden of cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality. This is important now more than ever given that eligibility for statin therapy is likely to expand further among people with HIV based on findings from the REPRIEVE trial.
Dr. Breger appreciated the opportunity to participate in the CFAR Scientific & Community Symposium as well as a full day Early-Stage Investigator Mentoring Workshop. The sessions were very thought-provoking and helpful in elucidating high priority research questions. Dr. Breger noted that the mentoring sessions provided insightful approaches to better communicating and disseminating research findings as well as guidance from NIH officers on research and career development.