The Social & Behavioral Sciences (SBS) Cores of UNC and Duke CFARs co-hosted an exciting in person Spring 2024 Networking Event. The event, “Untangling the Quagmire of Stigma,” explored how best to use stigma assessment to identify effective stigma reduction interventions. With over sixty-five attendees and held at Duke University’s School of Nursing, a panel of outstanding experts, presented topics from the “State of Science on HIV & stigma” and “Stigma Conceptualization and Measurement” to “Stigma-Reduction Interventions.” Dr. Ronald Swanstrom, UNC CFAR Co-Director opened the event and Drs. Amy Corneli (Duke SBS Core Director), Carol Golin and Vivian Go (UNC SBS Core Co-directors) facilitated it. The esteemed panel comprised Dr. Michael Relf, Professor of Nursing & Global Health, Interim Dean, Duke University School of Nursing; Dr. Lawrence H Yang, Professor and Chair of the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Associate Director of the Global Center for Implementation Science at NYU and Founding Director of NYU’s Mental Health and Stigma Program; and Dr. Laura Nyblade, a UNC CFAR member and Fellow in Health Policy at RTI International. Dr. Felicia Browne, Assistant Director of the UNC CFAR’s SBS Core, and leader of UNC CFAR’s Stigma Research Interest Group moderated the panel.

During the event, participants had the opportunity to attend insightful speaker presentations that included innovative approaches to understanding and mitigating stigma from a domestic (US-based) and a global perspective. Participants also engaged in an interactive panel of discussion that allowed for a direct exchange of ideas, with attendees posing questions and contributing to the discourse, which not only enriched the understanding of HIV stigma but also fostered a collaborative atmosphere for proposing innovative solutions and strategies to tackle this critical issue in HIV research. The event culminated in breakout sessions uniquely tailored to align with participants and interests across seven distinct topics.
Breakout groups were facilitated by the speakers with the UNC and Duke Core Directors serving as additional experts. These sessions, guided by different NIH Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs), created an environment that stimulated in-depth discussions to plan for specific collaborations which resulted in 48% of participants meeting a future collaborator and another 47% who may have met a collaborator.

To learn more about the SBS Core, click here.