This post is condensed from the article by the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy.
UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy Dean Angela Kashuba, Pharm.D., was selected for the 2024 Carolina Alumni Faculty Service Award. Established in 1990, the award “honors faculty members who have performed outstanding service for the University or the alumni association.”
She joined the School faculty in 1997 and immediately stepped into HIV research. The citation shares, “She began developing tools and strategies to determine where small-molecule HIV drugs traveled in the body. She generated a tremendous amount of data in a short period of time, and within a couple years she had a reputation as one of the leading HIV pharmacologists in the country. She was known for her research veracity, creativity and management of difficult situations.”
Her research led to creating her own lab focused on optimizing antiretroviral pharmacology in the treatment, prevention and eradication of HIV infection. It was in 2019 when she became the School’s first female dean. She also directs the Clinical Pharmacology and Analytical Chemistry Core at UNC’s Center for AIDS Research.
To read the whole article by Mariava Phillips, click here.