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CFAR Developmental Awardee Recognized by American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

December 17, 2021
The American Academy of Neurology recently awarded neurologist Monica M. Diaz, MD, MS, a Clinical Research Training Scholarship in support of her research on the detection of neurodegeneration in older, cognitively-impaired people with HIV.   Click here to read the full article on UNC School of Medicine’s website.

UNC CFAR Spring 2017 Networking Event

May 10, 2017
On May 8, 2017, the UNC CFAR Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Core hosted the Spring 2017 Networking Event. The theme of this month’s event was “HIV Research that Reaches Policymakers: Part I with Congressman David Price D-NC-04”. David Price represents North Carolina’s Fourth District – a rapidly growing, research-and-education-focused...

The Role of Messaging in Reducing STI Transmission

May 4, 2017
UNC School of Media and Journalism doctoral alumna Diane Francis ’16 (PhD),  co-investigators on a 2014 Developmental Award from the UNC CFAR, recently received the 2017 GEAB Impact Award for her work on the Role of Messaging in Reducing STI Transmission. Women account for almost 25 percent of new HIV...

UNC to Test Injectable Long-Acting Implant to Prevent HIV

May 3, 2017
Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have received a three-year, $1.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop a new implantable drug delivery system for long-lasting HIV-prevention. Scientists in the UNC School of Medicine’s Division of Infectious Diseases and the UNC Eshelman School...

Summer Internship in CFAR Biostatistics Core – Application Deadline April 24

April 16, 2017
Summer 2017 Internship Opportunity at the UNC Center for AIDS Research Do you want to use math to help the fight against HIV/AIDS? The Biostatistics Core at UNC Center for AIDS Research is seeking a summer undergraduate intern, paid $11 to 14/hour, 10-20 hours per week. The Core helps design...

PLOS Medicine Special Issue: Advances in HIV Prevention, Treatment and Cure

April 3, 2017
The editors of PLOS Medicine are delighted to announce a forthcoming Special Issue focused on HIV research, along with guest editors Drs Linda-Gail Bekker, Steven Deeks and Sharon Lewin. Submissions are now being invited, with a deadline of June 9, 2017. PLOS Medicine, the leading open access medical journal published...

2017 CFAR Developmental Award Webinar – March 28

March 2, 2017
The UNC Center For AIDS Research (CFAR) Developmental Core will be conducting a webinar on Tues., March 28th, at 9 am EDT.  This free webinar will focus on applying for and implementing a 2017 CFAR Developmental Award, and will address the application process, NIH requirements, necessary documents, and more.  Both...

MEASURE Evaluation: Translating Data into Health Recommendations

March 2, 2017
By Kathy Doherty, Senior Research Writer MEASURE Evaluation Health data are essential to understanding what is working in a health system and what is not. Data alone, however, are just numbers, unless transformed into compelling information products that communicate and lead to action to improve health care. For the past...

Dr. Myron Cohen Speaks on the Power of HIV Treatment as Prevention

February 7, 2017
CFAR Co-PI Dr. Myron Cohen was recently featured in an interview clip about HIV prevention research, produced by the NIH. He explained the importance of the landmark NIH-funded HPTN 052 study, which found that people living with HIV who are on treatment and durably virally suppressed have a negligible risk of...

CFAR represented at World AIDS Day Events Around the Triangle

December 15, 2016
World AIDS Day, started in 1988, is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, increase awareness, combat stigma, and improve education. Each year, the UNC Center for AIDS Research and the UNC Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases host a World AIDS Day Symposium featuring presentations by UNC...

Currin Named Certified Nurse of the Year

November 18, 2016
David Currin, RN, ACRN, CCRC, will also be honored as the HIV/AIDS Nursing Certification Board’s 2016 Certified Nurse of the Year. “I was so surprised and excited when I received the letter that I would be receiving this year’s award,” says Currin, who serves as the Certified Clinical Research Coordinator...

Updated NIAID CFAR Website

September 16, 2016
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has launched a new CFAR website! Click here to learn more about The Centers for AIDS Research (CFAR) program at the National Institutes of Health, which provides administrative and shared research support to synergistically enhance and coordinate high quality AIDS research projects....