HIV and the Criminal Justice System
The Interest Group in HIV and the Criminal Justice System is part of a larger group interested in the intersection of criminal justice and public health. The interest group works to:
- Identify ways in which the criminal justice system in the U.S. fosters the spread of HIV infection within and outside of correctional facilities
- Identify the greatest opportunities to leverage the criminal justice system in preventing HIV transmission (i.e., through detection and treatment of HIV and/or delivery of behavioral interventions during and after release)
- Determine how incarceration affects the stability of relationships, partner risk behavior and vulnerability to HIV infection
- Identify methods to ensure that the benefits of HIV care accrued during incarceration can be maintained after return to the community
- Understand how to optimize the management of HIV during incarceration
- Foster collaboration and innovation among researchers to conduct studies related to the intersections of criminal justice populations and public health