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Translation and Emerging Issues Component

GeneScreen, our Center’s focal study of the merits of preventive genomic sequencing, piloted initially in the primary care setting,  has direct implications for medical practice and public health policy.  At every step, our inquiries into the feasibility, social costs, and implementation of this use of genomic technology aim to generate evidence and arguments to answer practical questions about its uses.  Our results will be of immediate interest to professional organizations and public agencies trying to develop policies and programs in this area.  Unanticipated policy developments, like new professional policy guidelines or legal rulings, are likely to occur outside the scope of our research that will affect the policy translation of our findings.

The task of the CGS Translational and Emerging Issues Component is to ensure that our research team is alert to emerging issues and that project findings and recommendations successfully reach the most appropriate audiences.  To accomplish this, we have created a team of CGS investigators who have translational, practice, and policy experience at different functional levels. They will interface between the research project and the stakeholder groups with interests in the benefits and challenges of genomics applied to the broader population. This team is embedded within the research activities in order to monitor the emerging implications for policy and practice, and ultimately, to translate those implications into policy options that can be used to guide practice.

Familial/Personal Ethics Rebecca Walker, PhD;
Marcia Van Riper, RN, MA, PhD
Clinical Ethics           Arlene Davis, RN, JD
Research Ethics Eric Juengst, PhD (leader)
Institutional Policy Nancy King, JD
Professional Practice Jonathan Berg, MD, PhD;
Jim Evans, MD, PhD
Federal Guidance Daniel Nelson, MS
Legislation and Regulation John Conley, JD, PhD