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SEARCH: Rocky Mount Mobile Application Project


The Rocky Mount Social and Environmental Assessment to Rate Community Health (SEARCH) project was developed to provide physical and social environmental data to support current and future research projects at the UNC Center for Health Equity Research (CHER). SEARCH is aimed at measuring neighborhood factors that influence physical activity and other cardiovascular health.

The Pilot of this study will run during the Fall 2017 and Winter of 2018.


SEARCH aims to gain an understanding of the neighborhood factors that might impact physical activity and cardiovascular health. By using a neighborhood observation survey tool, data collectors will assess streets in his Rocky Mount neighborhoods. The SEARCH project will assess a wide array of domains and questions that will attempt to provide an objective assessment of the built environment of Rocky Mount, NC. We will assess characteristics such as the residential and non-residential land use of the neighborhood, neighborhood aesthetics, the pedestrian environment, bicycling amenities, transit and road characteristics, and the food environment.

Get Involved!

If you are interested volunteering as a Data Collector for SEARCH or would like more information, please contact Nicole Robinson-Ezekwe at


Last updated: 7/28/2020