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CHER Postdoctoral Fellow Harris accepted into two training programs

April 28, 2022
April 27, 2022 – Gabrielle Harris, PhD, RN, CHER Postdoctoral Fellow, has been accepted into two training programs this summer, UNC School of Medicine Rising Star Program and UNC Summer Instiute on College Teaching. Read descriptions below to learn more about these programs. UNC School of Medicine Rising Star Program...

CHER Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Harris, receives NHLBI diversity supplement award

April 8, 2022
Gabrielle Harris, PhD, RN, CHER Postdoctoral Fellow, received a diversity supplement award from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) for a mentored independent study within the CommunityRx-Cardiovasular Disease (CRx-CVD) project. CRx-CVD is an intervention led by Drs. Giselle Corbie and Gaurav Dave that uses electronic referral technology to...

Senator Warren, Brinkley-Rubinstein & Nowotny release Op-Ed about COVID-19 and Prison Data

January 5, 2021
  January 5, 2021 – Senator Elizabeth Warren, CHER’s Core Faculty Dr. Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein and colleague, Dr. Kathryn Nowotny, Co-Founders of The COVID Prison Project, released an Op-Ed calling for more comprehensive data collection of incarcerated individuals and staff through the current bill, COVID-19 in Corrections Data Transparency Act. Mandated...

Corbie-Smith launches podcast: A Different Kind of Leader

February 18, 2020
Giselle Corbie-Smith, MD, MSc, Kenan Distinguished Professor in the UNC Department of Social Medicine and Director for the UNC Center of Health Equity Research, has recently launched a podcast, A Different Kind of Leader. In addition to Corbie-Smith as host, members of the production team include former CHER Project Coordinator,...

Brinkley-Rubinstein Guest Editor on AJPH Special Issue

January 30, 2020
The American Journal of Public Health released a special issue on “Documenting and Addressing the Health Impacts of Carceral Systems”. CHER Faculty, Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein is featured as one of the guest editors for this special issue. Read the full text here or

Publication Alert: Potential impact of ACA and Medicaid on reducing cancer disparities in black men

January 30, 2020
CHER Faculty Associates, Wizdom Powell, Leah Frerichs, Kristen Hassmiller Lich, and CHER Director and Faculty, Giselle Corbie-Smith, other authors have co-authored a paper on how medicaid expansion reduce cancer and saves lives for African American males. Their publication is featured in UConn Today. Read full article here. According to the...

Publication Alert: Brinkley-Rubinstein and Colleagues Estimate Impact of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in Prisons/Jails

January 18, 2020
CHER Core Faculty, Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein and colleagues publish work that concludes that prison and jail-based programs that screen and provide treatment for Opioid Use Disorder has the potential to reduce overdose post-release and save lives. “Current findings underscore the importance of post-release retention in treatment among persons who receive medications...

Publication Alert: Poteat highlights ways stigma and stress affect health outcomes for Black and Latina Transgender women

November 26, 2019
CHER Faculty, Tonia Poteat, PhD, MPH, PA-C, and her team released recent finding on how multiple forms of stigma may increase risk for mental illness and cardiovascular disease among Black and Latina Transgender Women Living with HIV. UNC School of Medicine, Vital Signs, released the following news: According to...

Gil Intern Desman Wilson’s Experience in CHER

November 21, 2019
Check out the following blog post by Desman Wilson, a UNC Gil Intern who spent his Fall Semester as an intern in the UNC Center for Health Equity Research. His worked focused around planning for a health equity hackathon, currently in planning for the Center. Visit to read more...

A Foothold on Fast Food, Family, and Fitness

November 20, 2019
Impact of Social Support and Self-Efficacy on Healthy Life-Style Practices among Rural African Americans.