CHER Terms
Relapse Prevention Theory
The Relapse Prevention Therapy model provides a strategy for anticipating barriers and other factors contributing to participant relapse. The Model provides program participants with coping skills. Once program participants process the necessary knowledge to adapt … Read more
Resource Deprivation Theory
Inequities exist because minorities are more likely than whites to live in communities that are deprived and lack the necessary infrastructure for a healthy lifestyle. One study demonstrated an association between the location of food … Read more
Risk Exposure Theory
High prevalence of social or environmental health risks in minority communities lead to a higher chance of disease/death. Some studies have found that environmental hazards disproportionately exist in minority communities. Other studies have focused on … Read more

Rural Communities
Areas with lower population density than big cities. Rural areas have high rates of poverty, unemployment, and inequity compared to urban areas.
Social Cognitive Theory
The social cognitive theory explains how people acquire and maintain certain behavioral patterns, while also providing the basis for intervention strategies (Bandura, 1997). Evaluating behavioral change depends on the factors environment, people, and behavior. SCT … Read more

Social Determinants of Health
The social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources at global, national and local … Read more
Social Disorganization Theory
Social disorganization is defined as an inability of community members to achieve shared values or to solve jointly experienced problems (Bursik, 1988). In recent decades, the themes of social disorganization theory have been more clearly … Read more

Social Ecological Model of Health
The social ecological model conceptualizes health broadly and focuses on multiple factors that might affect health. This broad approach to thinking of health, advanced in the 1947 Constitution of the World Health Organization, includes physical, … Read more

Social Support
A concept that is incorporated into health promotion interventions- which can be instrumental, informational, emotional, or appraising. Involves community engagement in the form of fostering a social network.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Toolkit about racial equity for children and communities: Race Matters Collection.
The Community Guide
Database about findings relating to evidence based interventions to improve health/promote healthy behaviors.
The Weathering Hypothesis
Racial inequality poses health risks for minority populations, which contributes to greater chances of health problems at older ages, especially linked to black women bearing children with lower birthweights than white women as mother’s age … Read more
Theory of Planned Behavior
Theory of Reasoned Action suggests that a person’s behavior is determined by his/her intention to perform the behavior and that this intention is, in turn, a function of his/her attitude toward the behavior and his/her … Read more
Theory of Reasoned Action
Ajzen and Fishbein formulated in 1980 the theory of reasoned action (TRA). This resulted from attitude research from the Expectancy Value Models. Ajzen and Fishbein formulated the TRA after trying to estimate the discrepancy between … Read more
Toolkit for Community Action
A toolkit to help individuals, communities, and organizations from the public and private sectors work together to implement programs and policies to raise awareness and create change in health disparities.

Transtheoretical Model /Stages of Change
Long-term changes in health behavior involve multiple actions and adaptations over time. Some people may not be ready to attempt changes, while others may have already begun implementing changes in their smoking, diet, activity levels, … Read more
Trip Pro
Database for clinical practices and care
UMich SPH Center for Evaluating Health Reform
University of Michigan School of Public Health’s Center for Evaluating Health Reform website contains resource guide in order to maximize efficiency and encourage collaboration. Includes Grant Sprint Manual, Paper Sprint Manual, Manuscript Writing Guide, and … Read more
Unnatural Causes
Database about health equity