Tag: Change
Information-Motivation-Behavioural Skills Theory
This theory focuses on three components that result in behaviour change: information, motivation and behaviour skills. Information relates to the basic knowledge about a medical condition, and is an essential prerequisite for behaviour change but … Read more
Organizational Change Theory
Certain processes and strategies might increase the chances that healthy policies and programs will be adopted and maintained in formal organizations.
Protection-Motivation Theory
According to this theory, behaviour change may be achieved by appealing to an individual’s fears. Three components of fear arousal are postulated: the magnitude of harm of a depicted event; the probability of that event’s … Read more

Transtheoretical Model /Stages of Change
Long-term changes in health behavior involve multiple actions and adaptations over time. Some people may not be ready to attempt changes, while others may have already begun implementing changes in their smoking, diet, activity levels, … Read more