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Message from OVCR and SOM: OnCore

December 16, 2021
Colleagues – By now many of you have heard of the project to implement OnCore, an enterprise-class clinical research management system. Once implemented, OnCore will help the University better manage clinical research by increasing efficiency and compliance, as well as providing for better reporting and analytics of Carolina’s clinical research...

New “Announcements” Listing

December 3, 2021
Dear SOM Clinical Research Community, While email is an essential communication method, keeping track of and referring back to important information disseminated via listserv emails can be challenging. To address this challenge, we are pleased to share the new “Announcements” page on the CRSO website. Here you will find a...

Status of SOM SOPs

December 1, 2021
Dear SOM Clinical Research Community, We are writing to update you on the status of the SOP for Informed Consent of Adult Participants that has been in development for some time. We received thoughtful, valuable feedback from the SOM community that enabled finalization of a comprehensive and concise SOP that...

IRB Meeting Dates and Deadlines for 2022 (NRP Listserv)

December 1, 2021
The IRB Meetings and Deadlines Calendar has been published for 2022 on the OHRE website. Please note that receipt by the submission deadline does not guarantee review at the corresponding meeting. Once a full board agenda is full, it is closed; subsequent submissions are assigned to the next available agenda....

Did You Know? Tax Reporting Obligations for Research Participants (NRP Listserv)

November 30, 2021
Pursuant to U.S. tax laws, the University is required to issue an IRS Form 1099 to U.S. persons who receive $600 or more from the University during a calendar year. This applies to payments in the aggregate. Accounts Payable is the unit on campus that handles this reporting requirement. In...

OnCore Updates

November 29, 2021
Dear SOM Clinical Research Community, The University of North Carolina recently licensed OnCore, an enterprise clinical trial management system, with the aim of deploying the platform across the entire campus. With OnCore, we will be able to reduce administrative burden, improve operational efficiencies, better understand UNC’s clinical research portfolio, and...

UPDATED – Administrative Fees for Industry Sponsored Clinical Trials (NRP Listserv)

November 19, 2021
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ACRP Membership: Awardees Announced!

November 4, 2021
Dear SOM Clinical Research Community, We are pleased to announce individual awardees of the one-year ACRP membership benefit granted by SOM CRSO and NC TraCS. The awardees each demonstrated a commitment to the field clinical research at UNC, a desire to further develop clinical research skills and knowledge, and a...

Epic Release on 11/7/2021- Updates for Research (NRP Listserv)

November 4, 2021
On 11/7/21, there will be a new Epic Release. There are minimal visual changes for Research Functionality. Please review: Research Release Highlights Fall 2021.pdf If you want to see the changes in action, Go Play!

Town Hall Recording Available

October 18, 2021
Dear SOM Clinical Research Community, The slides and recording from last week’s CRSO Town Hall may be accessed here: (onyen login required). Thank you for the questions and discussion – as always, please reach out anytime! -SOM CRSO