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Overview of the UNC WRHR

The UNC Women’s Reproductive Health Research (WRHR) Career Development Program supports promising obstetrician-gynecologists during an important stage in their professional advancement. The program provides the dedicated effort, mentorship, and structured career development activities needed to support their transition to research independence. UNC WRHR scholars conduct cutting-edge research to advance women’s reproductive health — domestically and globally — in a vibrant and fostering research environment.

  • Aim 1: To catalyze the early career development of promising Ob-Gyn clinician investigators in women’s reproductive health research through mentorship, collaboration, and tailored skills building
  • Aim 2: To enhance engagement of Ob-Gyn researchers in multidisciplinary, team-based science within and outside of the UNC Department of Ob-Gyn
  • Aim 3: To advance women’s reproductive health through the design, conduct, and dissemination of cutting-edge research, in areas aligned with NIH scientific priorities

We are one of 15 WRHR sites across the nation, all located within academic Ob-Gyn departments, funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). The primary goal of these sites is to provide Ob-Gyn junior faculty with state-of-the-art training in women’s reproductive health research in an academic setting, and to increase the research capacity of clinically trained Ob-Gyns.

WRHR scholars represent a diverse group of physician-scientists from several subspecialties and emerging areas in Ob-Gyn who pursue a broad range of basic science, translational, and/or clinical research topics. Learn more about the WRHR Program.

If you are interested in becoming a UNC WRHR scholar, please contact Kim Boggess, MD (