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Leadership in Academic Medicine (LAMP)

Point of Contact: Dawn Morriston

LAMP is an eight-month, cohort-based faculty development and orientation program for faculty in the second or third year of their appointment at UNC.

Leading Transformation in Academic Medicine (LTAM)

Point of Contact: Carrie Jackman-Hoyle 

LTAM is a nine-month, cohort-based leadership development program for mid-career faculty striving for increased levels of leadership.

Harvard Program for Chairs of Clinical Services

Point of Contact: Lauren Westervelt 

Two weeks of intensive and systematic study of the critical leadership and management issues facing chairs, their departments, and teaching hospitals.

AAMC’s Organizational Leadership in Academic Medicine

Point of Contact: Lauren Westervelt 

Networking and skill-building for department chairs and associate deans who are in the first three years of their appointment.

Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM)

Point of Contact: Stephen Bogdewic

Intensive, one-year fellowship of leadership training with extensive coaching, networking, and mentoring opportunities for senior women faculty at the rank of associate or full professor who demonstrate the greatest potential for assuming executive leadership positions.

Association of Professional Women in Medical Sciences (APWIMS)

Point of Contact: Angie Smith

APWIMS is Information sharing, networking, and career development opportunities for all women in the School of Medicine community.

AAMC Faculty Leadership Development Seminars

Point of Contact: Lauren Westervelt

AAMC – The FALD office provides scholarships to assist with the cost of registration and travel to participate in the AAMC’s Faculty Leadership Development Seminars for Women and Minority Faculty.

Relational Leadership

Point of Contact: Carrie Jackman-Hoyle

Relational Leadershi is a multi-session program that offers training and practice in relational competencies, including narrative leadership, teaming, the dynamics of self and teams, feedback, conflict transformation, and accelerating change.

Making the Case

Point of Contact: Lauren Westervelt

Making the Case is a brief course series designed to equip participants with the skills needed to turn an idea into a compelling proposal.


Point of Contact: Lauren Westervelt and Angie Smith

Coaching: Partner with a coach for 1:1 confidential sessions to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

Leader as Coach

Point of Contact: Lauren Westervelt and Angie Smith

A 14-hour, virtual training designed to convey coaching skills and embed a model for coaching that anyone at any time in any position can employ.

Coach Certification Program

Point of Contact: Lauren Westervelt and Angie Smith

Intensive programming that offers a pathway to earning an International Coaching Federation credential (Level 1 ACC credential or Level 2 PCC credential).

Academy of Educators

Point of Contact: Anna Carpenter

The Academy of Educators (AOE) was founded as a part of the school’s strategic plan to enhance research and scholarship towards excellence in teaching. Currently, the Academy has four committees, Scholarship, Programming, Awards, and Membership. The AOE is overseen by a President, with support from a Leadership Council, and a Coordinator from the Office of Faculty Affairs & Leadership Development.

Professional Development Series: Discover Your Superpower

Point of Contact: Carrie Jackman-Hoyle

The FALD Professional Development Series: Discover Your Superpower offers free workshops and seminars every other month to equip faculty in the School of Medicine with essential skills for success such as time management, writing skills, and negotiation. Join the virtual series to develop the superpowers you need to thrive, and find the schedule in Vital Signs and on the FALD website.

Additional Resources