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Invest 5 Minutes in Yourself

The Well-Being Index is a tool developed by researchers at the Mayo Clinic to track wellness among medical professionals and other high-stress professions.

Take five minutes for yourself and sign up for the Well-Being Index, a 9-question self-assessment of your stress and well-being.

Well-Being Index: Invest 5 Minutes in Yourself

The Well-Being Index is a tool developed by researchers at the Mayo Clinic to track wellness among medical professionals and other high-stress professions.

Take five minutes for yourself and sign up for the Well-Being Index, a 9-question self-assessment of your stress and well-being.

Well-Being Program

Look for an email from with the subject line “You’re Invited to the UNC HCS and SOM Well-Being Index.”

Upon completion of
the Well-Being index

You will receive immediate, individualized feedback, including local and national resources, to address your well-being needs.

You will also be able to re-take the Well-Being Index in the future to track your score over time.

The Well-Being index is anonymous and confidential – your personal information is not shared.

The Well-Being Program team will have access to aggregated data by specialty and entity so that we can respond to specific groups and locations as needed.