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Our technical assistance services are free to use and available to any North Carolina non-profit, private, or government entity that provides services to people impacted by the legal system.

We have specific expertise in the following areas:

  • Harm reduction (Drug user health, engaging key populations)
  • Supporting release from incarceration (Reentry)
  • Diversion/Deflection, including Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD)
  • Jail-based Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)
  • Post-overdose Response Teams (PORT) and Field Initiation of Buprenorphine
  • Naloxone access and distribution
  • Program evaluation
  • Data management

Examples of our tailored services include:

  • Harm reduction training for program staff
  • Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) for law enforcement officers
  • Protocols for Implementation of Jail-based MOUD programs
  • Strategies for community approach to comprehensive Reentry support
  • Training, protocol development, evaluation and implementation support for Post-overdose Response Teams (PORT)
  • Data management system development support
  • Helping identify and connect with community partners
  • Individualized consultation on program planning and implementation challenges
  • Supporting conversations with key community partners (Law enforcement, harm reduction, local government)
  • Access to our statewide network of collaborators


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