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Assistant Professor
Division of Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling
Department of Health Sciences
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Research Coordinator, Family Support Network of NC
(919) 843-7385


  • BA, Bowling Green State University
  • MRC, Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling: Bowling Green State University
  • Internship in Clinical Psychology: WVU Medicine – University Healthcare
  • PhD, Rehabilitation Psychology: University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Post-Doctoral Training, UNC Medical Center

Courses Taught

  • CRMH 700 Foundations of Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling
  • CRMH 802 Practicum in Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling
  • CRMH 810 Internship Seminar
  • CRMH 816 Advanced Counseling Practice with People with Developmental Disabilities

Research Interests

Psychosocial adjustment and disability; Family system and disability; Caregiver/Carepartner and family QOL; Brain Injury, Stroke, and Aphasia; Community-based research and psychosocial intervention development; Development of accessible models of psychotherapy; Partnering with marginalized communities in health research; Interdisciplinary approaches to health promotion.

Professional Societies

  • American Counseling Association
  • American Rehabilitation Counseling Association
  • American Mental Health Counselor Association
  • Licensed Clinical Counselors of North Carolina
  • Aphasia Access
  • American Psychological Association (APA)
  • Division 22 of APA (Rehabilitation Psychology)

International Work

Blaise’s primary international interests include the development of international collaborations to promote psychosocial health and quality of life in persons with disabilities, especially those communities that have been historically excluded from mental health supports. Blaise’s focus is also on helping improve accessibility and community inclusion for persons with disabilities, as well as promoting health equity and reducing stigma.

Recent Publications

Morrison, B., Patel, T., Brackin, M. (in press) Family functioning, community participation, and perceived barriers in the acquired brain injury community: An exploratory analysis. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin.

Cassidy, J. M., Fitzgerald, R., Vaughn, R. M., Geib, Anna, Marquie, M., Trei, A. C., Morrison, B., Lewek, M. D., & Baratta, J. M. (in press). Stroke management training and inpatient rehabilitation discharge education: The STRIDE Program, Frontiers in Stroke.

Doran, J. D., McCrary, S. G., Morrison, B. M., Hiruma, L. S., & Chan, D. V. (2023). View of the work community and vocational rehabilitation services among adults with autism spectrum disorder. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 0(0).

Brickham, D., Yaghmaian, R., Morrison, B., Bowes, J., & Rosenthal, D. (2022). Mitigating counselor trainee stress and burnout through self-care initiatives in rehabilitation counseling programs. Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 35(4), 323-336.

Horton, D. M., Morrison, B., & Schmidt, J. (2021). Systematized review of psychotherapeutic components of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 74(4), 140–149.

Huang, Y., Faldowski, R., Burker, E., Morrison, B., & Rak, E. (2021). Coping, anxiety, and health care transition readiness in youth with chronic conditions. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 60, 281–287.

Umucu, E., Fortuna, K. L., Morrison, B., Huck, G. E., Deiches, J. F., Brooks, J. M., & Chan, F. (2021). Self-Determination, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Recovery Perspectives Among Certified Peer Specialists: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 52(4), 302-312.

Morrison, B., Phillips, B.N., Jones, J.E., Przybelski, R., & Huck, G.(2020) The impact of risk and resistance factors on quality of life in caregivers of individuals with dementia, Clinical Gerontologist, 43(5), 585-597, DOI: 10.1080/07317115.2019.1572039

Haley, K. L., Jacks, A., Morrison, B., & Richardson, J. D. (2019). Balance and preference in activity participation for informal caregivers of people with aphasia: A questionnaire study. Aphasiology, 34(9), 1182–1200.

Blaise Morrison