Participate in Research
Curious about your child’s development? So are we!
Parents and Infants Engaged at UNC Study
Participate in the Parents and Infants Engaged (PIE) study by completing a brief survey about your child’s development. Children must be 11-16 months of age at the time of completion and family must live within an hour of Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Why should you participate?
In this study, we hope to identify early signs of developmental problems in infants from 11 to 16 months of age using the First Years Inventory (FYI), and then to test an in-home parent coaching intervention that we believe will help infants who are at risk for later developmental problems such as language disorders, sensory regulation problems, and autism.
Click here to go to our study description and survey
Jonet Artis, Project Coordinator
Phone: (919) 843-4531