As of the fall of 2017, UNC physical therapy students have begun to attend Urban Ministry of Durham, a nonprofit that connects poor and homeless neighbors to food, shelter and a future, to provide PT evaluations and treatments to individuals with limited resources and/or the uninsured. UNC pharmacy students have worked with UMD for many years and so physical therapy decided to create a collaboration in order to provide more wellness opportunities for these individuals. We send four students and one faculty member once a month to UMD where we are able to treat four to five patients. This collaboration has been a great experience for students to independently evaluate and treat patients. Specifically, this opportunity has allowed students to problem-solve performing an evaluation and treatment without the resources found in a normal clinic, as well as learn how to create an exercise program for an individual that will not be afforded future appointments with a physical therapist. This year we worked with UNC SHAC to purchase thera-band, ACE wraps, ice/heat packs and so on that we can give to these patients. Our hope is that UNC PT will continue to partner with UMD to provide this treatment as well as this awesome learning experience for students!
–Submitted by student Karla Graves