Professor Emerita
Division of Physical Therapy
Department of Health Sciences
3022 Bondurant Hall, CB# 7135
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7135
Office: (919)843-8642
Fax: (919)966-3678
- PhD, Movement Science, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 1993
- MS, Physical Therapy, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, NC, 1988,
- BS, Physical Therapy, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 1980
Research Interests
- Postural control in older adults and individuals with neurological or neuromuscular dysfunction
- Falls prevention programs for older adults
- Stroke rehabilitation
Current or Recent Research Funding
- Interprofessional Education in Falls Risk Assessment and Intervention (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018); AHEC Campus Innovation Grant
- Screening and Intervention to Reduce Falls in Older Adults in Primary Care (July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017); UNC Institute for Healthcare Quality Improvement
- PHYT 784 Neuromuscular Assessment and Treatment I
- PHYT 785 Neuromuscular Assessment and Treatment II
- PHYT 896 Tyrrell County Interdisciplinary Service Learning
- HMSC 701 The Scientific Basis of Human Motion
- HMSC 743 Topics in Motor Control and Motor Learning
Professional Societies
- American Heart Association Stroke Council
- International Society for Posture and Gait Research
- American Physical Therapy Association Section memberships: Neurology and Geriatric
- North Carolina Physical Therapy Association Balance and Falls Special Interest Group
- North Carolina Falls Prevention Coalition
- Outstanding Physical Therapist, North Carolina Physical Therapy Association, 2017
- Thorp Faculty Engaged Scholars Program, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Class V, 2014 – 2016.
- Outstanding County Program Award to McDowell County for Community Health and Mobility Partnership (CHAMP), North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, 2010
Community Health and Mobility Partnership (CHAMP) Founder and Director – CHAMP is an evidence-based community falls prevention program that brings together interprofessional groups of faculty, students, and local clinicians in providing services to older adults with concerns about balance and falls. For more information, visit:
- Please see this PubMed Link for a list of peer-reviewed publications