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Participation Requirements

Complete the following:

☐ Each provider should spend a minimum of 6 months working with the diabetes care team.

☐ Participating providers will collaborate routinely to review patient outcomes across different services with a focus on number of patients with blood sugars within hospital target range of 70-180 mg/dL and expanded range of 70-250 mg/dL.

☐ Participating providers will be involved in the development and conceptualization of the QI initiative by sharing feedback with diabetes care team.


☐ Provide feedback and reflection about the project via a survey at the end of the project, including the following questions:

  • What change did you personally make in your practice?
  • How did this change impact patient care in your practice?
  • What did you learn as part of participating in this QI effort?
  • Explain how you plan to sustain the changes you made to your practice because of this QI effort.