IHQI Improvement Scholars Program
Participation Requirements
a. Improvement Scholars and other participating providers acknowledge a gap in outcomes or in care delivery.
b. Improvement Scholars and other participating providers review data and use the data to drive successful change
c. Improvement Scholars and other participating providers implement appropriate interventions or participate in the planning of interventions designed to improve the gaps in outcomes or in care delivery
d. Improvement Scholars and other participating providers are actively engaged in this QI project for at least 6 months
☐ Provide feedback and reflection about the project via a survey at the end of the project, including the following questions:
• Change. What change did you personally make in your practice?
• Impact. How did this change impact patient care in your practice?
• Learning. What did you learn as part of participating in this QI effort?
• Sustainability. Explain how you plan to sustain the changes you made to your practice because of this QI effort.