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  • Develop DEI departmental committee with resident, faculty, and staff participation.

    Status: Completed

    Host Grand Rounds

    Initiate Discussion points with our Faculty and Staff

    Person/Dept Responsible: Dept Liaison

Access and Success

  • Encourage matching students of color/underrepresented minorities to our program.

    Status: Completed

    Participate in Second Look Carolina and other programs to promote resident and medical student recruitment.

    Person/Dept Responsible: Program Director/Assoc Program Director

  • Encourage robust participation with our neurosurgery student interest group

    Status: Completed

    Follow up survey to ensure that all students interested in neurosurgery felt supported and promptly paired with a faculty or resident research mentor.

    Person/Dept Responsible: Program Directors and Diversity Liaison

  • Develop and promote our faculty and resident mentorship program

    Status: Completed

    Evaluate the status of our mentorship program at our quarterly resident meetings.

    Person/Dept Responsible: Department Chair and Program Director

  • Encourage recognition of the importance of diverse backgrounds in recruitment of faculty

    Status: Completed

    Complete Departmental Bias Training

    Person/Dept Responsible: Department Chair Diversity Liaison

Climate and Intra/Intergroup Relations

  • Develop a consensus statement to place on the website demonstrating neurosurgery’s commitment to DEI issues.

    Status: Completed

    NAS: Possible Action Item: Encourage neurosurgical research on reducing health disparities when treating our patients and diversifying our field. (I continue to do work on women in neurosurgery and have stayed in touch with students from NJMS who are doing this work with me)

    Person/Dept Responsible: Diversity Committee

  • Develop quarterly programming which could include grand rounds, discussion forums, or journal clubs to better discuss current issues centering on diversity and equity.

    Status: Completed

    In addition to journal clubs: There are some great Netflix documentaries, books, and articles that focus on diversity/cultural issues/social determinants of health. One way of helping the department during COVID, is a monthly “Diversity Initiative” email where we can provide examples of Netflix shows/documentaries/books that can be read that month or watched with friends and families. That way, people can do self – teaching, if they so wish.

    Person/Dept Responsible: Diversity Committee

  • Promote implicit bias and upstander training for all faculty, residents, and staff.

    Status: On time

    Person/Dept Responsible: Diversity Committee

Curriculum and Scholarship

  • Enhance scholarly output with looking at these issues with respect to our field.

    Status: Completed

    Work with our research team to identify and apply for grants to explore diversity issues in our field.

    Person/Dept Responsible: Research coordinator

  • Ensure Diversity Liaisons on all search committee

    Status: On time

    Person/Dept Responsible: Faculty affairs office

Community Engagement

  • Partner with community groups and schools to promote interest in neurosurgery
    Patient outreach

    Status: On time

    Person/Dept Responsible: Department Chair Office Manager

  • Work to continue to support outreach clinics for traditionally underserved areas

    Status: On time

    Person/Dept Responsible: Department Chair Office Manager