II. Specialty Specific
American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine Foundation Medical Student Research Grant
Endocrine Society Summer Research Fellowship
Medical Student Summer Orthopaedic Research Fellowship
This program will fund orthopaedic research at home or outside institution.
Strong Children’s Research Center Summer Training Program (Pediatrics)
American College of Rheumatology
American Foundation for Urologic Disease
Public Health Degree, Urology page
American Gastroenterological Association
Spend time performing research in the areas of digestive diseases or nutrition.
American Heart Association
Student Scholarships in cardiovascular disease and stroke
American Pediatric Society
Charlotte Mecklenburg Health Services Foundation
Trauma/ Critical Care Summer Research Internship
Charlotte Mecklenburg Health Services Foundation
Laparoscopic and Advanced Surgery Program
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
National Institute of Mental Health
Summer Training on Aging Research Topics
Oregon Health & Science University
Research Training at the Oregon Hearing Center
Society for Gynecologic Investigation
American Federation for Aging Research
Medical Student Training in Aging Research Program (MSTAR)
Students participate in an eight- to twelve-week structured research, clinical, and didactic program in geriatrics, appropriate to their level of training and interests.