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Below is a list of supplies that you may wish to acquire before the semester begins. In addition, there is some prerequisite material (GUTS, or Get Up To Speed) that you may wish to review once access has been granted. Once you have matriculated, more specific information about requirements will be communicated.


Items for Anatomy

Lab Coat. You will need a lab coat or scrubs for the anatomy dissection laboratory sessions. These may be purchased at UNC Student Stores on main campus or online (e.g.,

Items for Patient Centered Care (PCC) Course

Textbooks. There are 2 required textbooks for the Patient Centered Care course. Students should be very aware that PCC depends on students reading the textbook material. Please note that there are e-book options available for some or all of these texts if you would prefer to purchase those instead.

Title: Symptom to Diagnosis: An Evidence-Based Guide (4th edition)
Author: Scott D. C. Stern, Adam S. Cifu, Diane Altkorn
ISBN: 978-1260121117
Publisher: McGraw Hill

Title: Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking (13th edition)
Author: Lynn S. Bickley
ISBN: 9781975210793 (digital only), 9781975210878 (physical and digital)
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Discount code for their website: WZP16PFT

Physical examination equipment. Stethoscope (available at UNC Student Stores on main campus)

GUTS Modules

GUTS (Get Up To Speed) modules are quick reviews of important material that you will be expected to know during the first weeks of the semester. Each module deals with material that most of you will have had in undergraduate coursework or will have reviewed in studying for the MCAT. The GUTS modules can be reviewed once access has been granted by visiting one of the following sites: Canvas or ScholarRx. Topics include the following: Cell Membranes, Cell Membrane Potential and Ion Balance, Transport Across Membranes, Protein Structure, Cytoskeleton, Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Embryology, Fertilization, Gastrulation, and Germ Layer Derivatives.