Introducing Translational Education at Carolina 2.0 (TEC 2.0)
The School of Medicine launches its new curriculum, Translational Education at Carolina 2.0 (TEC 2.0), in August 2023. TEC 2.0 engages students in the art and science of medicine through integrated basic science and clinical skills content and longitudinal patient care experiences. The educational experience is designed to
- train physicians who are team players who can navigate change and innovation fluently;
- foster the development of students as adaptive learners who will continue to be life-long, self-directed learners; and
- promote belonging and engagement through small learning groups that foster trust, inquiry, and the development of clinical reasoning and metacognitive skills.
This redesigned curriculum reflects the ever-changing practice of medicine, maintains opportunities for early career exploration, and incorporates the learning preferences of today’s medical students.
Introduction to TEC 2.0
April 27, 2023
This summer there will be several major changes in the School of Medicine. Students, staff, and faculty are excited about the opening of Roper Hall, the new medical education building which has beautiful open spaces, student exercise and fitness facilities, numerous study rooms and classrooms, state-of-the-art simulation and clinical skills teaching space, modern flexible laboratories, and an active learning theater. In addition, the MS1 class size will increase from 190 to 205 students this fall; in 2024 and 2025, growth will continue to 215 and 230 students, respectively. Finally, the TEC (Translational Education at Carolina) curriculum will change. TEC 2.0 will include a redesign of the Foundation Phase, which is the preclinical or basic science curriculum. This video is the first in a series that will reveal components of the new curriculum. Please watch to learn about the basic principles and course structure of the curriculum.
What is New and What is the Same
May 11, 2023
As part of TEC 2.0 (Translational Education at Carolina), the Foundation Phase (preclinical or basic science curriculum) will continue to feature three sets of courses: Patient Centered Care, Social and Health Systems, and Medical Science. In particular, there will be 9 Medical Science courses which will be distributed over 3 semesters and which will allow students to obtain a grounding in biomedical science and to explore the various organ systems. Basic science “coils” will continue to flow throughout the curriculum.
Guiding Principles
July 6, 2023
The redesigned Foundation Phase, also known as TEC 2.0, has three main principles: (1) active learning and integration; (2) habits of inquiry and improvement; and (3) identity formation. The Foundation Phase will continue to train students to pass the USMLE Step 1 Examination, to be prepared for clinical training in the Application and Individualization Phases, and to have career success in any specialty.
The Weekly Schedule for TEC 2.0
July 18, 2023
This fall, the School of Medicine’s curriculum will change as part of TEC 2.0. In particular, the Foundation Phase, which is the preclinical or basic science curriculum, will undergo a reorganization. Students will have fewer instructional hours, but all of these sessions will be required. Students will participate in Medical Science course sessions each morning, in a Social and Health Systems seminar Monday afternoon, and in a Patient Centered Care course session one afternoon per week.
Competencies and Content
August 1, 2023
The medical curriculum is operating under new competencies and milestones this fall. During medical school, a student will become competent in 6 domains: patient care, interpersonal and communication skills, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, systems-based practice, and professionalism. With respect to medical knowledge, first-year students in the redesigned Foundation Phase access content in an electronic textbook known as Scholar Rx. This content serves as a baseline so that faculty can then address more complex problem solving, clinical reasoning, and critical thinking skills through cases and advanced lectures.
Teaching and Assessment
August 9, 2023
In TEC 2.0, students will prepare for each day in a Medical Science course by reading assigned content from Scholar Rx Bricks, which is an online textbook. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, students will participate in interactive large-group sessions known as PALS, or Peer Accelerated Learning Sessions. On Tuesday and Thursday, students will participate in CBL, or case-based learning. For assessments, students will not only take multiple-choice quizzes and NBME examinations but also complete clinical reasoning examinations. These narrative examinations are composed of free-response questions.
Course 1: The Patient
August 17, 2023
The Patient is the first Medical Science course of the Foundation Phase. During this course, students will learn about the many dimensions of the patient – the body itself; the intersection of the body with clinical care; the patient as a person, family member, and community member; and population health. During this course, students will have their first experiences in the anatomy laboratory and learn about the body, including the musculoskeletal system as well as an overview of the thorax and abdomen. Students will be introduced to several of the curriculum’s coils: anatomy and embryology; histology and cell biology; physiology; and epidemiology.
Rationale for TEC 2.0
August 30, 2023
The Foundation Phase of the School of Medicine (SOM) curriculum has undergone a reorganization. There are three reasons for this change. (1) Health care is currently delivered by teams, so the SOM must train physicians who are team players who can navigate change and innovation. (2) Medical knowledge has been expanding exponentially. Therefore, the redesigned curriculum strives to develop students as adaptive learners who will continue to be lifelong, self-directed learners. (3) The medical class size is growing, so the SOM has developed small learning groups that foster trust, inquiry, and the development of clinical reasoning skills. These groups will promote belonging and engagement and ensure that students do not feel lost.
Course 2: Molecules to Cells
September 12, 2023
In TEC 2.0, the second Medical Science course is called Molecules to Cells. During this course, students will learn about the body through the basic science “coils” which will continue to run throughout the first three semesters of the curriculum. In particular, this course will focus on biochemistry, genetics, physiology, cell biology, and histology. This course includes not only a focus on normal structure and function but also an introduction to disease through microbiology and pathology as well as an overview of therapeutics through pharmacology.
Social and Health Systems course
October 16, 2023
The Foundation Phase curriculum is composed of various Medical Science courses, the Patient Centered Care course, and the Social and Health Systems course. In the Social and Health Systems course, or SHS, each student participates in a 14-person weekly seminar to explore socio-cultural dimensions of health, illness, and medical practice. Seminars also include consideration of ethical and policy dimensions of health care systems. Class experiences require in-depth reflection about readings, conversations with classmates, and discussions about students’ experiences throughout the curriculum.
Patient Centered Care Course
October 23, 2023
The Foundation Phase, or preclinical curriculum, is composed of various Medical Science courses, the Social and Health Systems course, and the Patient Centered Care course, or PCC. The PCC course develops basic clinical skills and reasoning essential to the practice of medicine through clinical experiences, longitudinal contact with medical professionals, and integration with the concepts from the Medical Science courses. This course is designed to enable the student to learn the core clinical skills — History-Taking, Physical Examination, Communication, Clinical Reasoning, Patient-Centered Care, and Professionalism — necessary for future patient care.
Course 3: Circulation Course
November 15, 2023
In TEC 2.0, the third Medical Science course is called Circulation. During this course, students learn about the blood, heart, and vasculature. In addition, the course continues to feature the basic science “coils”: anatomy and embryology, biochemistry, cell biology and histology, genetics, microbiology and immunology, nutrition, pathology, pharmacology, and pathology.
Medical Science Spring Courses
March 5, 2024
The Foundation Phase, which is the preclinical or basic science curriculum, has been reorganized. It is composed of the Social and Health Systems course, the Patient Centered Care course, and various Medical Science courses. The spring semester features three Medical Science courses for first-year medical students: Homeostasis (respiratory and renal systems), Body Regulation (endocrine and gastrointestinal systems), and Reproductive and Genitourinary Health.
Medical Science Courses in the MS2 Fall Semester
May 21, 2024
The Foundation Phase, which is the preclinical or basic science curriculum, was reorganized in fall 2023. It is composed of the Social and Health Systems (SHS) course, the Patient Centered Care (PCC) course, and various Medical Science courses. The fall semester features three Medical Science courses for second-year medical students: Neurons to Networks, Life Stages, and Integrated Systems.