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Sponsoring Department:  Emergency Medicine

Course Title:  Career Exploration in Emergency Medicine

Faculty Course Director: Jonathan Jones, MD


Periods Offered: March – May

Maximum Enrollment:1 student per block


Duration of Elective/Selective: 2 weeks

Where/When to report on first day: UNC Emergency Department Administration Offices and ask for Jennifer Link. Email Ms. Link at one week before the starting date of the elective to get further details.

Learning Objectives: (what student will be able to do as a result of this experience)

1. Have exposure to a career in Emergency Medicine

2. Experience the role of Emergency Medicine in the health care system

3. Focus on evaluating and treating patients in the Emergency Department

Learning Activities:(What the student will do e.g., conferences, rounds, clinic, expected hours, on-call requirements/opportunities)

  1. 8 x 9 hour clinical shifts in the emergency department
  2. Optional 1 full day EMS ride along or Helicopter ride along as circumstances allow
  3. Attend 5 hour weekly EM Resident Educational conference from 7am – 3 pm each Wednesday of the elective

Evaluation: (How student will be evaluated e.g., observed administering procedures, interviewing patients, presentation at case conference, participation in rounds, patient write-ups)

Students will be part of the health care team headed up by the attending emergency physician. They will work directly with the EM attending physician. They will make treatment decisions under the direction of the attending physician and then follow up on test results, follow up on patient changes and treatment needs, call consultants and do needed procedures as appropriate.

Grading: All 2 week career exploration electives are pass/fail.

In order to pass, all activities must be attended and completed with appropriate professionalism and effort demonstrated.

Grades will be issued by Dr. Jonathan Jones, MD, our course director.