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PEDS 429 Career Exploration in Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Faculty: Dr. William Mills
Prerequisites: Completion of pediatrics clerkship
Offered: All periods (by permission only)
Max. Enrollment: 1
Duration: Two Weeks
Meeting Place: See notes section
Meeting Time: 8:00 am
Credit Hours: 3
Learning Objectives: 1. Students will be able to take a history and appropriately examine a pediatric patient who presents for acute care.
2. Students will be able to generate a differential diagnosis and initial management plan for common pediatric acute illnesses.
3. Students will develop their skills at judging severity of illness in the pediatric patient.
4. As appropriate, students will develop their skills of routine procedures in evaluation of children with acute illness or injury. These skills could include obtaining throat cultures, obtaining blood or urine specimens, suturing, reading radiographs, etc.
Learning Activities: The student will work in the Pediatric Acute Care clinic (Pediatric Emergency Room) for 16 shifts of 8 hours each, from either 8am – 4pm or 4pm-midnight. Students will be able to arrange their schedules with faculty approval, and they will be encouraged to work a variety of shifts including weekdays, week nights, weekend days, and weekend nights. Student will see patients who come in for acute illnesses or problems and care for those patients with the help of an attending. They will be expected to take the history, examine the patient, generate a differential diagnosis and management plan, and present to the attending. They will be expected to participate in procedures as judged appropriate by the attending. The student will be expected to attend the morning conferences from 8-9 am on the weekday shifts they work. The student will prepare a brief presentation, approximately 10 – 15 minutes, on a pediatric acute care topic of their choice which they will resent to residents and attendings at a morning conference.
Evaluation: Students will be working directly with attendings who will evaluate them on their skills with history taking and physical examination of children, presentations, differential diagnosis development, and management plans. Students will also be evaluated on their procedural skills as appropriate. Their participation in the morning conference and their planned presentation will also be evacuated by the attendings and will be factored into their final grade.
Special Notes: Students require access to the Epic Emergency Department environment at UNC (EMERG DEPT UNCH). Please contact Jenny Kaselak ( a month before your rotation to obtain access. Please contact Dr. William Mills ( to set up your schedule prior to the beginning of the rotation