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It is the goal of the School of Medicine to provide an environment for all students, including those in the medical doctorate program, allied health programs, basic science programs and more, that is conducive to learning and free of all forms of mistreatment. However, we recognize that misunderstandings between individuals do occur, particularly in the high-stress, low-sleep situations in which learners often find themselves. Mistreatment can take many forms, ranging from subtle belittlement to blatant hostility. Mistreatment may cause a variety of emotional responses in a student, from anger to isolation and embarrassment. Fear of retaliation can be a major component. It can be difficult for students to report mistreatment, and the School has created several pathways to do so.

Reports of discrimination or harassment based on protected status, including sexual assault or violence, interpersonal violence, or stalking, should be made to the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office at

Learner Mistreatment, Learning Environment or Learner Professionalism Concern

All reports will be managed in accordance with established policies including but not limited to those of the SOM Learning Environment and Student Mistreatment Policy, School of Medicine Human Resources, UNC Healthcare Human Resources and Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office.

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