Learning Environment Liaisons at School of Medicine and Branch Campuses
The School of Medicine in Chapel Hill, as well as the Asheville, Charlotte, and Wilmington Campuses, appoint Learning Environment Liaisons who offer a safe forum where students are welcome to talk in confidence about potential student maltreatment or inappropriate learning environment.
Chapel Hill, Learning Environment Liaison
Dr. Daryhl L Johnson II
Associate Professor of Surgery
Office: 919-966-4389
Executive Assistant: Ponda Prince
Associate Professor of Surgery
Office: 919-966-4389
Executive Assistant: Ponda Prince
Asheville Campus, Learning Environment Liaison
Charlotte Campus, Learning Environment Liaisons
Dr. Augustus Parker III
Student Liaison, Career Counselor, Learning Environment
Individualization Phase Director
Office: (614) 395-7444
Email: Agparker2@novanthealth.org
Student Liaison, Career Counselor, Learning Environment
Individualization Phase Director
Office: (614) 395-7444
Email: Agparker2@novanthealth.org
Wilmington Campus, Learning Environment Liaison
Joe Kertesz, MA, LPC, NCC
Carolina Counseling Center
Office: 910-762-9083 or 910-763-9512
Carolina Counseling Center
Office: 910-762-9083 or 910-763-9512