***This website is no longer active. For information about the Medicine Block of the HISC Course, please see Sakai.***
No matter what specialty you ultimately enter upon graduation from medical school, the experiences you have and the skills you develop during this clerkship will form a foundation for your life as a physician.
The transition from the relative safety and security of the classroom to the unstructured settings of clinical medicine is not an easy one. We do not expect students to complete this transition during the clerkship. We also do not expect students to master all of internal medicine by the end of the clerkship. The emphasis of the clerkship is the acquisition of the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors that form the core of inpatient internal medicine. By the end of the clerkship, students should be well on the way to developing a rational, evidence-based approach to the evaluation and care of hospitalized adult medical patients.
All of us in the Departments of Medicine here at UNC and at the AHEC sites look forward to working with you. We hope that the time you spend with our enthusiastic and committed faculty and residents will demonstrate the richness and excitement of life in Internal Medicine.