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Acute porphyrias

Advanced IBD therapies

Airway management, anesthesia, Malampati

Anorectal manometry testing

Autoimmune hepatitis

C-arm and fluoroscopy

Certilizumab, the biology and uses of this anti-TNF alpha agent


Colon cancer

Congenital hepatobiliary syndrome


Diagnosis of gallstone disease

Drug-induced liver injury

Esophageal and colonic dilatation

Esophageal manometry

Esophageal motility/pH probe testing

Esophageal varices and Minnesota procedure


Gastric cancer

GI cancers – focus on epidemiology and staging (GI malignancies Part I)

HIV-related GI illness

IBD: critical appraisal of new IBD rx

IBD pathophysiology

IBS pathophysiology & management

Introduction to endoscopy

Liver imaging


NSAIDS in PUD: effects on GI tract/pathogens

Olympus inservice on 180 scopes

Orientation for new fellows

Small and large bowel tumors (GI malignancies Part II)

Small bowel motility

Transplant pharmacology

Travel Cart

Updates on hepatitis B: pathophysiology and treatment