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Matthew Markovetz, PhD - Division of Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care Medicine

Matthew Markovetz, PhD

Research Assistant Professor

Contact Information


7102 Marsico Hall


Matthew Markovetz, PhD

Research Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest

Mucus biophysics and liquid and ion transport that regulate mucus properties and clearance, image analysis and spatial biology


Dr. Markovetz is passionate about studying the origins of muco-obstructive lung diseases like cystic fibrosis, asthma, and COPD in a translational way by employing techniques from imaging, physics, and engineering in epithelial tissues. By studying the physiology and pathophysiology of these tissues, we can better understand disease progression and develop novel treatments for them.

  • Undergradute

    University of Colorado at Boulder

  • PhD

    University of Pittsburgh

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship

    University of North Carolina