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Charles A. Sanders, MD & Elizabeth Ann Sanders

Visionary Supporters, Men’s Health Champions


The UNC Department of Urology honors the visionary support of Charles Addison and Elizabeth Ann Sanders. Through their generosity and dedication, we are building upon our commitment to improving men’s health through a comprehensive UNC Men’s Health Program, of the first of its kind in the United States.

Throughout his professional career and philanthropic life, Charles A. Sanders, M.D. has championed excellence and advancements in the practice of medicine both locally and globally. His knowledge and commitment have been employed through his leadership of the corporate sector (as chairman and CEO at Glaxo and directorships at biopharmaceutical companies); academic medicine (University of North Carolina Health Care System, Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital); national research organizations (National Institutes of Health Foundation chairman, Institue of Medicine); and the international NGO sector (Project HOPE Board of Directors member and Chairman).

We gratefully recognize these donors who have contributed $50,000 or more to the UNC Men’s Health Program and honor their commitment to investing in research, education and clinical care to substantially improve men’s health in our communities today and for generations to come.

Charles and Ann Sanders Society Members

Lowry and Susan Caudill
Julie and Frank Daniels, Jr.
Bill and Ellie George
Roger and Linda Perry
Charles and Ann Sanders

Charles A. Sanders, MD & Elizabeth Ann Sanders

Charles and Ann Sanders


Charles A. Sanders, MD & Elizabeth Ann Sanders Plaque

Sanders Society Plaque