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Department of Pediatrics
554 Human Studies Facility
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Brickey WJ, Alexis NE, Hernandez ML, Reed W, Ting JP, Peden DB (2011). Sputum inflammatory cells from patients with allergic rhinitis and asthma have decreased inflammasome gene expression. J Allergy Clin Immunol.

Peden DB (2011). The role of oxidative stress and innate immunity in O(3) and endotoxin-induced human allergic airway disease. Immunol Rev. 242(1):91-105.

Wu W, Doreswamy V, Diaz-Sanchez D, Samet JM, Kesic M, Dailey L, Zhang W, Jaspers I, Peden DB (2011). GSTM1 modulation of IL-8 expression in human bronchial epithelial cells exposed to ozone. Free Radic Biol Med. 51(2):522-9.

Dillon MA, Harris B, Hernandez ML, Zou B, Reed W, Bromberg PA, Devlin RB, Diaz-Sanchez D, Kleeberger S, Zhou H, Lay JC, Alexis NE, Peden DB (2011). Enhancement of systemic and sputum granulocyte response to inhaled endotoxin in people with the GSTM1 null genotype. Occup Environ Med. 68(10):783-5.

Doreswamy V, Alexis NE, Zhou H, Peden DB (2011). Nasal PMN response to repeated challenge with endotoxin in healthy volunteers. Inhal Toxicol. 23(3):142-7.

Hernandez ML, Lay JC, Harris B, Esther CR Jr, Brickey WJ, Bromberg PA, Diaz-Sanchez D, Devlin RB, Kleeberger SR, Alexis NE, Peden DB (2010). Atopic asthmatic subjects but not atopic subjects without asthma have enhanced inflammatory response to ozone. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 126(3):537-44.e1.

Hernandez ML, Harris B, Lay JC, Bromberg PA, Diaz-Sanchez D, Devlin RB, Kleeberger SR, Alexis NE, Peden DB (2010). Comparative airway inflammatory response of normal volunteers to ozone and lipopolysaccharide challenge. Inhal Toxicol. 22(8):648-56

Alexis NE, Lay JC, Hazucha M, Harris B, Hernandez ML, Bromberg PA, Kehrl H, Diaz-Sanchez D, Kim C, Devlin RB, Peden DB (2010). Low-level ozone exposure induces airways inflammation and modifies cell surface phenotypes in healthy humans. Inhal Toxicol. 22(7):593-600.

Loughlin CE, Esther CR Jr, Lazarowski ER, Alexis NE, Peden DB (2010). Neutrophilic inflammation is associated with altered airway hydration in stable asthmatics. Respir Med. 104(1):29-33.

Alexis NE, Zhou H, Lay JC, Harris B, Hernandez ML, Lu TS, Bromberg PA, Diaz-Sanchez D, Devlin RB, Kleeberger SR, Peden DB (2009). The glutathione-S-transferase Mu 1 null genotype modulates ozone-induced airway inflammation in human subjects. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 124(6):1222-1228.e5.

Wagner JG, Harkema JR, Jiang Q, Illek B, Ames BN, Peden DB (2009). Gamma-tocopherol attenuates ozone-induced exacerbation of allergic rhinosinusitis in rats. Toxicol Pathol. 37(4):481-91.

Zhou H, Alexis NE, Almond M, Donohue J, LaForce C, Bromberg PA, Peden DB (2009). Influence of C-159T SNP of the CD14 gene promoter on lung function in smokers. Respir Med. 103(9):1358-65.

Wu W, Alexis NE, Bromberg PA, Jaspers I, Peden DB (2009). Mechanisms of LPS-induced CD40 expression in human peripheral blood monocytic cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 379(2):573-7.

Alexis NE, Lay JC, Haczku A, Gong H, Linn W, Hazucha MJ, Harris B, Tal-Singer R, Peden DB (2008). Fluticasone propionate protects against ozone-induced airway inflammation and modified immune cell activation markers in healthy volunteers. Environ Health Perspect. 116(6):799-805.

Alexis NE, Brickey WJ, Lay JC, Wang Y, Roubey RA, Ting JP, Peden DB (2008). Development of an inhaled endotoxin challenge protocol for characterizing evoked cell surface phenotype and genomic responses of airway cells in allergic individuals. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 100(3):206-15.

Wiser J, Alexis NE, Jiang Q, Wu W, Robinette C, Roubey R, Peden DB (2008). In vivo gamma-tocopherol supplementation decreases systemic oxidative stress and cytokine responses of human monocytes in normal and asthmatic subjects. Free Radic Biol Med. 45(1):40-9.

Wu W, Alexis NE, Chen X, Bromberg PA, Peden DB (2008). Involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinases and NFkappaB in LPS-induced CD40 expression on human monocytic cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 228(2):135-43.

Wagner JG, Jiang Q, Harkema JR, Illek B, Patel DD, Ames BN, Peden DB (2007). Ozone enhancement of lower airway allergic inflammation is prevented by gamma-tocopherol. Free Radic Biol Med. 43(8):1176-88.

Lay JC, Alexis NE, Kleeberger SR, Roubey RA, Harris BD, Bromberg PA, Hazucha MJ, Devlin RB, Peden DB (2007). Ozone enhances markers of innate immunity and antigen presentation on airway monocytes in healthy individuals. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 120(3):719-22.

Yeatts K, Svendsen E, Creason J, Alexis N, Herbst M, Scott J, Kupper L, Williams R, Neas L, Cascio W, Devlin RB, Peden DB (2007). Coarse particulate matter (PM2.5-10) affects heart rate variability, blood lipids, and circulating eosinophils in adults with asthma. Environ Health Perspect. 115(5):709-14.

Alexis NE, Peden DB (2006). Inflammatory response of the airway to inhaled endotoxin correlates with body mass index in atopic patients with asthma but not in normal volunteers. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 117(5):1185-6.

Alexis NE, Lay JC, Almond M, Bromberg PA, Patel DD, Peden DB (2005). Acute LPS inhalation in healthy volunteers induces dendritic cell maturation in vivo.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 115(2):345-50.

Complete list of publications


Center for Enviromental, Medicine, Asthma, and Lung Biology