Patient safety is our top priority during the coronavirus pandemic. We want to continue to provide care to our neurosurgery patients and support to the emergency department while also keeping our neurosurgery care team safe. |
To ensure the safety of our patients and the neurosurgery department, we have set up a daily rounding team made up of a single attending and a small number of neurosurgery residents to cover the entire service. This allows the remainder of the team to stay home and get updated by phone or video links. Rounding responsibilities rotate among the attendings and residents to minimize the number of providers in the hospital each day. We also recently expanded our use of telemedicine by moving any non-urgent patient appointments to virtual appointments when possible.
Dr. Carolyn Quinsey, Associate Neurosurgery Residency Program Director, recently ran a successful virtual skills lab for our neurosurgery residents. The virtual skills lab was well attended (virtually) and was a very positive experience for each of our neurosurgery residents. Continuing education is crucial for our residents, and we appreciate their flexibility and cooperation as we navigate this pandemic.
UNC Health is preparing for the expected patient surge that has not yet reached our geographic area. As we prepare, we have numerous contingency plans in place, including coverage in the emergency department when necessary.
Patients visiting any of the UNC hospitals must abide by the current visitor restrictions updated on the UNC Health website. Currently, all visitors should wear masks at any UNC Health facility. No visitors will be allowed in the inpatient areas or Emergency Departments at UNC Health. You can read more about UNC Health’s visitor restrictions on the UNC Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resources page.
We want to thank all of our neurosurgery patients for their patience and understanding during this uncertain time. There have been many changes to your regular care, and we appreciate everyone’s understanding as we all do our part to flatten the curve and care for sick patients. To schedule an appointment at any of our neurosurgery clinic locations, or virtually, please call 919-445-2410.