Medical Illustrator Mark Schornak, MS, CMI has been inducted as a fellow at the Association of Medical Illustrators national conference in July in recognition of his years of service to the organization.
The designation of Fellow is a formal recognition of Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) members who have made significant contributions to the Association by performing volunteer service. The purpose of the AMI’s Fellow Program is to increase member involvement and ensure that the AMI will continue to be a successful and growing professional association. Fellow of the AMI is among the most distinguished honors bestowed by the Association. “It is a great honor to be recognized for contributing to the wonderful Association of Medical Illustrators, but the best reward of all is in the warm friendships that developed while helping and the opportunities to make a real difference in this small part of the world,” said Schornak.
Medical illustrators are translators of medical science and healthcare ideas to visual media. Members of the AMI include medical illustrators, animators, interactive app developers, art directors, and educators.This year’s annual conference had the highest number of attendees and was attended by medical illustrators from the United States and abroad. Discussion topics included discussions on AI as a tool for visual artists, ethics of sampling creative works without permission, and on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the arts.
About Mark Schornak
Mark Schornak, MS, CMI is a medical illustrator in the Department of Neurosurgery at UNC Health. He is well known in the field of medical illustration, having spent the past 30 years illustrating for the Barrow Neurological Institute in Arizona. He has spent decades researching, observing, and understanding neurosurgical procedures.
About the Association of Medical Illustrators
Founded in 1945, the mission of the Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) is to further the use of visual media to advance life sciences, medicine, and healthcare through a worldwide network of specialized interdisciplinary professionals. The AMI is recognized as the premier global resource for promoting the power of visual media to advance scientific understanding, communication, and research. The AMI is comprised of overall 800 members across four continents.
Article by: Makenzie Hardy, Marketing Coordinator, UNC Health Department of Neurosurgery