UNC School of Medicine Summer Program Directory
Below is a list of some undergraduate summer research opportunities across STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) disciplines in the UNC School of Medicine. The Office of Graduate Education does not administer all of these programs, but we strongly encourage students to explore and apply to the opportunities that align with your current academic stage and professional interests. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and we employ prospective trainees to explore other opportunities that better suit their needs through the Office of Student Success.
Key: H=Housing provided, $= Partial stipend provided, $$= Full stipend provided, and T=Travel Funding Available
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #
21st Century Environmental Health Scholars (21EH Scholars) | $$, TRequirements: US Citizen/permanent resident, sophomore, junior, or senior, and from a partner institution 21EH Scholars is a 12-month program that provides environmental health science research internships for undergraduate students at North Carolina Central University (NCCU) and UNC-Chapel Hill. Working as part of a lab team, 21EH Scholars will learn about cutting-edge research topics and develop research skills. They also will develop their science communication skills and prepare to apply to graduate school. C-STEP STEM Pathways students who have recently transferred to UNC-Chapel Hill are especially encouraged to apply. Program Site |
Carolina Summer Fellowship Program (CSF) | H, $$, TRequirements: US Citizen/permanent resident or foreign student with valid visa, rising sophomore-senior Training in the CSF Program includes hands-on research conducted by the student in the laboratory of a supervising faculty member, a weekly seminar program to acquaint the student with projects and research activities of the faculty, workshops on career opportunities, ethics training, presentation skills, and how to apply and interview for graduate school. Outside the lab get to know your fellow CSF students through fun events, lunches, and dinners near or on the famous Franklin Street. The program culminates with student presentations on their summer research project. Program Site |
CSS MD-PhD Summer Experience | H, $$, TRequirements: current UNC CSS Students An 8-week summer program open to current UNC students in the Chancellor Science Scholars program. Participants engage in a summer research project with UNC faculty and are set up with clinical engagement activities. For more information about the Chancellor’s Science Scholars Program at UNC please click here. Contact: amber_brosius@med.unc.edu |
Explorations in Genomic Medicine Research (EDGE) | H, $$, TRequirements: US citizen or permanent resident UNC’s Educational Pathways to Increase Diversity in GEnomics (EDGE) is a unique 2-year summer program for undergraduate students who are interested in careers in genomics. EDGE is aimed at freshman and sophomore students in the field of genomics. EDGE Genomics training includes: fundamentals of genomic science; careers in genomics; ethical, legal, and social issues in genomics; genomics in medicine; mentoring and professional development; science communication training; and an independent research project in a cutting-edge lab at UNC. Program Site |
ENABLE HiDAV Summer Program | H, $$, TRequirements: US citizen or permanent resident ENABLE stands for Extensible Network-Accessible Biomedical & Health Informatics Lifelong learning Environment. ENABLE, an extension of the Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP), was established to encourage students and professionals to explore careers or advanced training in Biomedical and Health Informatics (BMHI). The program has two components: ENABLE HiDAV Summer Program and Online Master’s program. Program Site |
HBCU – Bridge Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) | H, $$Requirements: Current freshman, sophomore, or junior at a partner institution The HBCU-Bridge Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) is designed to immerse undergraduate students from local HBCUs in cutting-edge scientific research while developing scientific literacy and professional development skills. The goals of the program are to introduce undergraduate students to biomedical research in microbiology and immunology. Students will be matched with a participating laboratory in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology where they will perform experiments to address a key scientific question. Students will also participate in a weekly journal club where they will develop and practice key skills including scientific literacy, hypothesis generation, and experimental design. Program Site |
The Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) UR Student Internship Program | H, $$, TRequirements: An undergraduate student attending a US institution at the time of application, 3.0 GPA in a STEM field. An immersive research experience at one of our HuBMAP labs working at the cutting edge of single-cell biology on experimental or computational projects and gain valuable research experience. This program is ideal for students in STEM fields, especially those interested in biology, data science, and medicine. Progam Site |
PARTNERS Research Education Program | H, $$, TRequirements: Students currently completing their freshman or sophomore year at a partner institution The Partners Program provides educational training opportunities for undergraduate students to pursue careers in cancer health disparities. It also introduces undergraduate students to basic cancer laboratory research and to public health research in areas relevant to disparities in the prevention, incidence, treatment, mortality and morbidity of cancer. Program Site |
Science & Math Achievement & Resourcefulness Track (SMART) | $$Requirements: current UNC undergraduate The program is geared towards undergraduate students, with a priority given to transfer students (students who transferred to UNC-CH). Selected students will pursue 9 weeks of research in STEM research groups (30 hours of research/ week), starting mid-May. In addition to the research projects, the SMART students will work with Dr. Gidi Shemer, the director of the program during the summer. We will meet twice a week and work on research-related skills, such as to learn how to analyze and discuss scientific papers, work on science writing skills and learn how to present research. Program Site |
SPIRE Summer Research Program | H, $$, TRequirements: current sophomore-senior at a partner institution The goals of the program are to provide undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in innovative research at UNC Chapel Hill, develop professional skills as a scientist, and contribute to a scholarly community. Research opportunities exist in areas such as molecular biology, cell biology, chemistry, genetics, cancer research, marine biology, and microbiology. Program Site |
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Biological Mechanisms (NSF SURE REU) | H, $$, TRequirements: US citizen/permanent resident, rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors For 10 weeks during the summer, undergraduate students are immersed in the SURE-REU (REU program) experience; they work side-by-side with graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty who serve as role models and as mentors. They discover how modern biological research is formulated, carried out, and reported in an environment that stresses collaboration and multidisciplinary approaches to problem-solving. SURE-REU undergraduates acquire skills critical to success in research and teaching careers and to gaining entry to top graduate departments of their choice. Making informed career choices is a major theme of the Program; participants hear about careers and lifestyles in forums with scientists inside and outside of academia and with current graduate students and post-doctoral fellows at UNC-Chapel Hill. Our journal club and seminar program expose students to emerging areas of research and provide insight into the scientific method. At the end of the Program, all students present their work at a campus-wide Summer Research Symposium and Poster Session. Program Site |